Qualification to Act as Company Secretaries

In Malaysia, the Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries (FCIS) and Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries (ACIS) qualifications are recognized by the Government as equivalent to Honours degrees whilst the Graduates of Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) is recognized as equivalent to a general degree.

Qualification to Act as Company Secretaries

Our Government has also gazetted MAICSA as a prescribed body under Section 235(1)(2) of the Companies, 2016, which means that Associate and Fellow members of MAICSA can automatically act as company secretaries without having to apply for a licence from the CompaniesCommission of Malaysia (CCM).

Members of the Institute with more than five (5) years practical tax experience, either in the Government sector or private sector, are also eligible to apply to become tax agents under Section 153 (3) of Income Tax Act 1967. Graduates of ICSA will, however, have to apply for a license to act as Company Secretaries from the CCM.

In tandem with its mission of developing good corporate professionals, MAICSA is committed to maintaining the highest standard of integrity and ethical values within the profession. MAICSA also acts as a change catalyst in the corporate arena, participating actively in the enhancement of corporate governance. It has been championing best practices in corporate governance and educating the Malaysian corporate sector on its importance.

Have doubts on your company secretary’s qualifications? Search at: MAICSA website.

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